Root of Bitterness

The book of Hebrews is written with deep spiritual insight and every spiritually wise and serious minded believer should pay earnest attention to its content. The writer (by general consensus), Apostle Paul consistently warns of the danger of missing the final and ultimate purpose of our faith: being with God at the end of this journey of faith. Among the many stumbling blocks is root of bitterness.

“Looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled;” Heb.12:15‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

On the heel of his call for peaceful coexistence with all men (vs.14) is the emphasis on the need to give unwavering attention to guard our hearts to prevent bitterness from taking root. ‘//The danger of rooted bitterness is the denial by it’s victim.

Beloved, bitterness has taken root if you are quick to speak ill of another, want to assert your superiority by discrediting their success, or if you are in the company of those who “. . .sharpen their tongues like swords and aim their bitter words like arrows to the innocent. ..” (Ps.‬ ‭64:3,4 NLT‬‬) Be careful! The root of bitterness is very active in your life if you readily get angry at the thought of fellow brethren that you are not favourably disposed to; be sure to repent lest your journey ends in the lake of fire. Never entertain anger for no just cause (Mt.5:22) and be quick to resolve it before the Sun sets. Is there any fellow in your life that you have never seen anything good in whatever he or she does? Have you made yourself the judge and jury over such a life because you have the positional authority? Have you perpetually oppressed such a one until now? If you have answered any of these questions in the affirmative be careful, you are on a slippery path to destruction orchestrated by root of bitterness.

TODAY, if you will hear his voice and give careful attention to your heart, let the fire of the Holy Spirit sniff out every hidden trace of bitterness that has taken root in the secret place of your heart. Deny it the opportunity of taking away the end of your faith. Never allow the root of bitterness defile you! Remember – nothing defiled or that defiles can make it past the pearly gate of heaven Rev.21:27. The root of bitterness defiles; beware!